When considering expanding your company beyond the US territory, doing business in Mexico is a clear option, to begin with, and Tijuana EDC is the best option to help you get started investing in the country. With a big portfolio of possible partners and a set of experts, we have the information and the contacts your company needs to ease the process.
What are the Advantages of Doing Business in Mexico?
Mexico offers many advantages for doing business. One of the main and most obvious reasons is the fact that they border the United States, making it more efficient on transportation costs. It ranks among the top 10 countries in the world for ease of doing business, according to World Bank rankings. Its legal system is based on common law, not civil code, making it easier to navigate than systems like California’s. And its labor laws are relatively easy to understand.
What does it look like to do business in Mexico?
Mexico offers many advantages for doing business. It ranks among the top 10 countries for ease of starting a business, according to the World Bank. Its legal system is relatively modern and transparent, and its government is committed to improving infrastructure; it also gives a lot of incentives, like tax exemptions, to many foreigners looking to invest in the country in different ways, one of them could be the use of shelter companies or the creation of a Corporation.
Is it Possible for Foreigners to Do Business in Mexico?
Mexico is one of the emerging countries most open to foreign direct investment, being the biggest FDI recipient in Latin America and the world’s ninth-largest FDI recipient. In 2018, FDI totaled $57 billion, according to the World Bank.
You can learn more about it in this article: How Foreign Direct Investment works in Mexico
What are the Benefits of US Companies Doing Business in Mexico?
Mexico offers a number of advantages for foreign companies looking to expand into Latin America. It’s one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, with GDP growth averaging 4% per year between 2000 and 2016. Its population of around 130 million people is young and well educated, with nearly half of all Mexicans aged 25 to 54 having completed tertiary education.
The country boasts a highly skilled workforce, with a median age of just 29 years old and a literacy rate of 99%. In addition, many Mexican cities offer free WiFi access, making it easy for companies to connect with customers.
Utilizing the Benefits of Manufacturing in Mexico
Mexico’s manufacturing advantages include lower labor costs, next-door proximity to North American markets and free trade agreements with nearly all countries, a plentiful and highly-skilled workforce, and production quality commiserate to the U.S. and global standards.
Every major global manufacturer can be found here with Mexico’s principal manufacturing industries being aerospace, automotive, medical devices, auto parts, furniture, electronics, and plastic injection molding. Some manufacturers in Mexico are focused on lower-cost assembly and contract manufacturing operations, while other manufacturers opt for their own maquiladora in Mexico that is complementary to the rest of their company’s supply chain.
To start your process and learn more about how and why you should consider investing in Mexico, contact the team of Tijuana EDC, we’ll guide you and help on forming the alliances necessary for the betterment and expansion of your projects into the international market.
Contact us today!
Tel: +55 (664) 681-8344
E-mail: contact@tijuanaedc.org